
A precious little baby was taken from me,

Not knowing where you are and what you would grow up to be,

The long nights I spend missing you,

Only wishing you were here with me,

Not being your mom like I should have been,

In my heart my precious baby, you'll always be loved and be missed,

Our brief encounter and my love for you will never die.

One day a tiny angel boy
Flew out of heaven's gate,
He was not discovered missing,
Until it was too late.

Of course, God was most disturbed,
About this precious, little soul,
Who got away from heaven,
Before his time to go.

But God's eye was on this little guy,
Who'd been wonderfully designed,
Though tiny, he was mighty,
He just needed growing time.

Yet somehow he slipped through the gate,
When the gatekeeper's back was turned,
And he made it all the way to earth,
With wings too small for his return.

He found a perfect mother,
Whose heart was bigger than he was,
Not even heaven could compete
For such a mother's love.

The divine love he brought with him,
Was a love direct from God,
For he still belonged to heaven,
Though here on earthly sod.

He was so fragile and so helpless,
His mother's strength not quite enough,
Man's world a strange and frightening place,
Not like heaven - much too tough.

This child was made by God
In His image, for His Glory,
No way could earth lay claim to him,
To this precious, angel boy.

Too weak to fly home on his own,
God sent gentle angels down,
Who swiftly, sweetly carried him
Back home, where he belonged.

God left a message for his mother,
To let her know her son and she
Would one day be together,
As sons and mothers ought to be.

But in the meantime, she should listen,
And watch up in the sky,
For what she thinks are tiny birds
May well be angels flying by.

Virginia (Ginny) Ellis
Copyright July 2003
Ginny's World of Poetry

To my Son

I have a little boy up in heaven above.

Riding on a cloud fling like a dove.

I never got to know you, but I love you anyway,

and mommy will be there to rock you to sleep someday,

so you be good and I'll be good and someday we'll be together,

I'll hold you tightly in my arms.

We'll ride together on Gods feather's.


I could carve your face upon a rock,

a heart upon a tree,

then add the letter's of your name.

I could find a date that isn't used

to be your holiday,

you be the prize that I would find within a cereal box.

You weigh upon my mind so much,

the largest scale can't measure. T

he joy of angels in the snow upon the frozen bliss.

if I has wings you'd be the lift that I would need to fly,

if I could paint the clouds above, your face would fill the sky.

Just so you know you will not forget

you're all that I embrace,

the best was saved for last,

for you're the apple of my eye.

The Child I Never Met

I think I sensed it somehow,

I knew we'd never meet,

I couldn't see your smile,

it wasn't meant to be.

That's all they can say,

it wasn't meant to be,

why can't they go away.

Did God make a mistake?

did he want you back?

I can't find the words to say,

it's you that I lack.

Nobody understands,

it keeps running through my head,

nobody understands,

I just want to go to bed,

but the truth is no one can help,

nothing helps the pain,

the truth is that my baby died.

I'll never get to hug him,

I'll never see his smile,

I'll never get to feed him,

or hold him for awhile,

I'll never get to touch him,

I'll never hear his cry,

I'll never kiss his tiny toes,

or see him wave good-bye.

Dedicated to the Tiniest Angel

An Angel once lay beneath my heart,

A promise of life to come;

My little babe, was resting there,

yet, would not follow me home.

My tiny, Precious Angel,

had plans unknown to all,

For my Angel heard the voice of God,

and hastened to His call.

My Angel flew on fragile wings,

into the fathers arms;

to slumber there in peaceful rest,

untouched by earthly harms.

So, slumber there my precious child,

till I can come to you;

I'll keep you here,

deep in my heart,

till my journey on Earth is through.

A Baby Loved

A thought, A wish, A spark!

A secret, A joy, A life.

A specialness carried within.

A spot, A cramp, A tear!

A dread, A fear, A sorrow.

An emptiness carried within

A rage, A pain, A loss!

A sadness, An ache, A love.

A grief carried within.

No Farewell

No farewell words were spoken,

no time to say good-bye,

you were gone before we knew it

and only God knows why.

If tears could build a stairway,

and memories a lane,

I'd walk right up to heaven

and bring you home again.

An Angel Never Die's

Don't let them say I wasn't born

that something stopped my heart,

I felt every tender squeeze you gave

I've loved you from the start

although my body you can't hold it

doesn't mean, I'm gone

the world is worthy, not, of me

God chose I that I move on.

I know the pain drowns your soul

what you are forced to face

you have my word,

I'll fill your arms some day,

We will embrace

you'll hear that it was "meant to be.

God doesn't make mistakes,

but that won't soften your worst blow

or make your heart not ache.

I'm watching over all of you

another child you'll bear

believe me when I say to you

that I'm always there.

There will come a time, I promise you

when you will hold my hand,

stroke my face,

and kiss my lips

and then you will understand

although I've never breathed your air

or gazed into your eye's

that doesn't mean I never "was,"

an Angel never die's.

Love your Child

Oh Mother; My Mother

Oh Mother, My Mother

I touch your tears with invisible fingers soothing your skin,

I know you think of me often in the day,

in the night,

in your dreams, going into an empty nursery,

knowing I'll never be there,

but I am in your heart, in your soul,

I shall always be

for you gave so unselfishly of yourself

inside of you, you created such a world for me

a world of laughter, of love, of sadness, of sorrow,

every emotion people come to know

you shared with me

and even though I may never feel your arms around me

I felt your heart beating like a lullaby singing me to sleep,

and your spirit giving me a safe haven,

already protecting me, nurturing me, preparing me of things to come,

but sometimes the journey of life pulls souls apart

and yes i had to go on to another place.

I wish I could stay,

I wish this was a decision I could make

and I know you do too.

know this:

wherever you are

I will always remember that yours was the first love,

the first joy, the first soul I will ever know

you gave me the courage to go in my journey,

I hope I can do the same for you.

Your heartbeat will always call me to you.

Love your Child

Oh Father; My Father

Close your eyes and feel me near,

keep me in your heart

let me live in your soul

you see through tears the things we’ll never do

running across the fields of my youth games, never played,

but it is not gone those dreams you hold so close

for I live on in every child you see

little ones standing alone..

lost or laughing in a playground,

swinging so high touching the tree tops

that is I.

wanting just to love

feel my happiness in the song of a bird

see my sorrow in mother

hold her close forever

feeling your strength

for there will be one to come behind me

whether through God's grace

or from a different calling,

a child chosen through his hand

for darkness, a light will appear

even if it is just the dawn signaling a new beginning

and as you gather my mother to your heart

release your tears

let the healing begin and discover

that I am here in your dreams

in your tomorrows

every rainbow is the path home

and if you should stumble,

I am the wings that shall lift you.

Love your Child

If tears could build a stairway,

and memories a lane.

I'd walk right up to heaven

and bring you home again.

A gift for such a little while,

your loss just seems so wrong,

you should not have left before us,

it's with loved ones you belong.

When someone you love becomes a memory,

the memory becomes a treasure.

Our hearts still ache in sadness,

and secret tears still flow,

what it meant to lose you,

no one will ever know.